Trevi Group on 7 November 2023, received the 2023 Sustainability Report Award as a finalist in the "Large Companies" category, being among the three companies that stood out, among the over 200 selected, for the quality of their Non-Disclosure Financial statement relating to the year 2022.
The event, born in 2019, was conceived and organized by the Department of Economic and Business Sciences of the University of Pavia, together with STEAMiamoci.
Trevi Group has been drafting the Non-Financial Declaration since 2017 and the objectives it sets are in line with those of the Sustainability Report Award:
- spread the culture of non-financial performance reporting in order to promote sustainable actions, broadening the range of companies that provide access to non-financial information.
- encourage Stakeholder Engagement and contribute to the dissemination of fundamental principles, elements and concepts that can represent standards of excellence linked to non-financial communication in order to consolidate a sustainable business culture.
We are very proud of this recognition which confirms the Group's commitment in relation to the 360 degree sustainability issues and we are also gratified to be identified as a reference standard linked to non-financial communication aimed at consolidating a culture of sustainable business