The strength of our roots lies in the value of the individual, in the team spirit, in the involvement, in the taste for the challenge, in the determination to build something that will leave its mark.
Values that every woman and man of the Trevi Group shares and supports, a vision guarded by our experts and transmitted every day to the new generations of workers. This is our spirit, that of a large organization that welcomes new challenges with enthusiasm and dedication, a mission that unites all our employees all over the world.
Enhancement of talents: career development paths, targeted training plans
The Trevi Group, in continuity with its transformation process, has embarked on a path of generational turnover, favoring the inclusion and enhancement not only of new talent already included in the professional path, but also of young resources at their first work experience such as recent graduates and recent graduates identified also thanks to partnerships with high schools and universities.
The Group has studied specific career development paths. A process that follows very precise stages. It begins with Onboarding, which aims to manage the introduction of new resources, making them an integral part of the company right from the start until the complete acquisition of the role. At the same time, thanks to a dedicated assessment, the hard and soft skills of the individual are brought into focus, which allow planning a continuous training path, both in the classroom and on site, with the support and coaching of more experienced colleagues. A process that is monitored regularly to verify the level of learning and allow for any adjustments until the objective is achieved.
"We put people and their training at the center to face a constantly evolving world".
The Academies provide personalized development paths and fully train people's hard and soft skills.