231 Organizational Model | Trevi Group 1

231 Organizational Model

231 Organizational Model

The Trevi Group, which has always been committed to promoting and guaranteeing fair and transparent conditions in the management of its business and corporate activities, has adopted, in line with its principles and values, the following Organization, Management and Control Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001 (from now on only "The Model").

The Model, the adoption of which was felt by Management as a natural consequence of the provisions and provisions of the Group's Code of Ethics, is a management and control system aimed at strengthening, within the organization of the individual companies, the promotion , disclosure and compliance with correct and transparent conduct in carrying out all activities, such as to prevent the risk of commission of crimes.

The Model - also adopted by the Group's head of division companies - was drawn up in compliance with the provisions of the Confindustria Guidelines.

231 Organizational Model (Italian Version): click here to view/download
